Saturday, 24 September 2016

Unravelling the lies of Wade Robson - Part 2.

In his amended claim against MJJ Productions/MJJ Ventures; Wade Robson states the following:

"..Plaintiff would have continued as one of the most successful talents in the entertainment industry. Few individuals to date in the entertainment industry have achieved success in so many diverse areas. Very few others have been able to achieve success in so many diverse areas, all of which has now come to an end."

"As a direct and proximate result of Defendents' failure to protect Plaintiff from Michael Jackson's acts of childhood sexual abuse, rather than continue on his career path and become an international superstar, Plaintiff now only associates the entertainment industry with the psychological injury, illness and damage resulting from Defendents' despicable conduct."

"Plaintiff has been unable to work and has been forced to decline many prestigious and lucrative job offers, such as directing the opening number for the Academy Awards (Oscars), major worldwide tours for major recording artists, and various stage and concert productuibss for other superstars. In addition, Plaintiff is unable to continue writing songs or producing music, as well as being unable to continue performing and directing in any manner or capacity whatsoever." 

"He has not worked since suffering this second breakdown, and is no longer able to work in his former profession in the entertainment industry at all."

Now I find that very interesting; especially when you consider the following which was posted on 23 September 2016:

This is from Blake McGrath; who Wade Robson has recently been WORKING closely with. In his status update, McGrath states:

"Just wrapped up my video shoot after 4 long days! I am in awe of what we created! @waderobsoncreations is a genius. No words..."

And then there's this which was posted on Mr Robson's instagram on 23 June this year:

And June 7th 2016 - on his instagram....

So for somebody who is "unable to work in his former profession in the entertainment industry at all"; Mr Robson is very much working in the entertaining industry, as you can see from the above.

Perhaps Mr Robson will have an explanation for this, during his cross-examination in court next year...or will he come up with another fabrication in an attempt to justify his now very obvious lies? Time will tell. Trouble is; to be a good liar you have to a) keep it simple and b) have a good memory. This is something Mr Robson is clearly lacking...

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

More unravelling of the lies of Wade Robson.

In his lawsuit against Michael Jackson and in particular MJJ Productions/MJJ Ventures; Wade Robson claims he has "not worked since his nervous breakdown of March 2012." It was during this breakdown that he suddenly "remembered" being molested by Michael Jackson.

But wait a minute.....

Here we have a video from July 2012; in which Robson teaches a dance piece for The Bird and The Bees "Polite Dance Song"...some 4 months after his alleged breakdown.

This is in fact a series of videos he does for Masterclass in 2012. 

And then there's this on his YouTube Channel - Wade Robson Creations - this was uploaded just 6 months ago and shared on his Facebook page on 7 June this year.

Here's another one, uploaded 16 May 2015:

Again - a project that Wade Robson has worked on...despite claiming he hasn't been able to work since his alleged breakdown.

And then there's this - posted on his instagram on 17 September of this year:

Doesn't look like Wade Robson hasn't been working to me. In fact; it looks as though he's been a very busy man for somebody "who hasn't been able to work"....

The very vivid imagination of James Safechuck.

So today and as I predicted; we are greeted with the news that Jimmy Safechuck is now amending his molestation suit in a direct carbon copy of the suit from Wade Robson. He now alleges that MJJ Productions/MJJ Ventures were directly responsible in facilitating the alleged abuse by Michael Jackson. Sound familiar?

Yet again; this is more evidence of the lawyers for the case, attempting to "make something stick" in order to gain a hefty payout for the "co-conspirators."

When you look at the alleged complaint by Safechuck; you have to wonder what on earth goes on in that mind of his, to lead him to produce such vivid claims - it is indeed far more hard-core then that of Wade Robson.

Safechuck alleges that Michael's abuse of him took place in a Paris hotel room, during the European leg of the Bad tour in 1988. But let's look in further details at Safechuck's claim, in which he alleges that "Michael showed him porn and movies were children were masturbating and engaging in sexual activities." This begs the question as to why material of this nature was not found in the 2003 raid of Neverland. Any material featuring "children masturbating and engaging in sexual activities" would indeed come under the "child porn" heading. Yet we have already shown that there was indeed no child porn found in the 2003 raid.

Safechuck then alleges that he "outcried" his abuse to his mother, but then asked her not to tell Michael of his allegations. Yet when Michael's lawyers contacted her to ask her to testify in Michael's defence in 2005; she makes no reference to the alleged abuse.

He then goes so far as to say that Michael personally contacted him and threatened him when he refused to testify in 2005, claiming he had the best lawyers in the world and would get Safechuck "for perjury in the 1993 trial."

I see two problems with the above:

1.) Michael was not the one calling for witnesses. His lawyers were as is the norm.

2.) There was no trial in 1993. In fact is was on this day in 1994, that the DA in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara announced that they would not be filing any charges against Michael, in respect of the 1993 molestation claims.

Let's take a deeper look at the time line of events surround Safechuck's claims.

In 1987, aged 7 years old, Safechuck meets Michael when they film the Pepsi commercial. After that, there is no communication between the two for several months. Now this is particularly relevant with regard to his amended claim; he which he alleges MJJ Productions/MJJ Ventures facilitated the abuse.

A few months AFTER the shooting of the Pepsi commercial; it is Safechuck NOT Michael, who makes the first attempt at communication, by which he writes to Michael. On 10th March 1987; Michael sends a polite reply:

8. Several months after the Pepsi commercial was shot, Decedent wrote a letter to Plaintiff on Doe 2’s stationery dated March 10, 1987. It stated:
“Dear Jimmy,
Thank you for your letter. It was nice hearing from you again! I’ve been working on a new video for my album and have been really busy.
It was fun working with you on the Pepsi commercial! Maybe we can work together again. I’d like to have you come and visit me on the set sometime or when I have some free time you can come to my house.
Keep sending me letters! I love to hear from you!
Speak with you soon, [Decedent’s signature]”
The Decedent also enclosed photographs from the Pepsi commercial that they shot together.

So it is Safechuck who initiates contact as if to remind Michael of his existence.

As Michael begins the Bad Tour in 1987, the letters from Safechuck continue until Michael takes a break from touring and invites Safechuck to dinner at Hayvenhurst in early November 1987.
November 26 1987, while Michael is in Australia, the Safechucks call Michael and invite him to their home. At the end of the first leg of the Bad Tour in early December, Michael travels back to the US and goes to visit the Safechuck family at their home in Simi Valley. 
Christmas 1987 sees Safechuck visit Michael at Hayvenhurst again. During this time; Michael takes Safechuck to visit homeless people and hands out money to them.
In January 1988, the Safechuck family visit Michael again at Hayvehurst and spend time in Michael's recording studio.
February 1988, Pepsi invite both Safechuck and Michael to Hawaii where the Pepsi commercial is shown. 

In the both pictures, we see Michael with an unknown woman - too young to be Safechuck's mother who at that time was in her 40's. The first picture shows Michael doing what appears to be a publicity or fan photograph while Safechuck remains in the background, looking into the lake. The second picture shows Safechuck some feet behind Michael and his companion as they walk along the bridge. Does this show a picture of Michael having a "special interest" in Safechuck, as Safechuck alleges? It shows to me, he was clearly more interested in his female companion...

In February 1988, Safechuck attends Michael's Bad Tour rehearsals in Florida before Michael invites the Safechuck family to see The Phantom Of The Opera in New York in March 1988. It is at this time that Safechuck expresses a wish to stay in Michael's room; yet Safechuck's mother does not allow it. 

16. “During the convention, Plaintiff spent a great deal of time with Decedent and got to know him well, and their friendship deepened. On this trip, Decedent asked if Plaintiff could sleep over in his room, but Plaintiff’s mother did not permit it. This was the first time Decedent asked if Plaintiff could “sleep over” in his room.

Yet Safechuck also claims that Michael visited the family home and stayed in Safechuck's room on a regular basis. So why if that is the case, would his mother suddenly refuse to allow him to "sleep over" with Michael in New York on the first occasion of Michael asking?

It is June 1988 when Safechuck alleges that Michael "began to abuse him" in a hotel room in Paris during the European leg of the Bad Tour - AFTER the incident where Safechuck's mother had refused to allow Safechuck to stay in Michael's room in New York.

Oh and here's the best part of Safechuck's claim. He states that he "decided to come forward" AFTER Wade Robson had come forward because he decided to "see a psychiatrist, believing his anxiety and panic attacks stemmed from Michael's abuse of him". Doesn't that all sound so familiar? 

Remember; Wade Robson has alleged his "repressed memories" came back after a mental breakdown. That was before he changed his story to say he "always remembered the abuse" but "didn't recognise it as abuse." Unless he was deaf, dumb and blind during the 2005 trial, in which he testified under oath, that Michael never touched him, how could he not recognise his alleged experiences as abuse?

To summarise, this is what I see and this ties is well with my rebuttal on Wade Robson's amended claim. The IME carried out at the request of the MJ Estate has clearly not gone in Robson's favour - hence he drops the molestation claim and now goes for negligence against Michael's business entities. Couple that with the huge holes in his claims; he needs to make something stick in order to get his grubby hands on Michael's money. So a quick call to his buddy Jimmy Safechuck and magically; Safechuck amends his claim. Hello? Timing!

And here is something else I want to share with you. In the last few days; I have received a very credible tip-off that MJ trolls are attempting to bully Corey Feldman in an attempt to force him to testify against his late friend Michael. I will go further into this as the story develops, but let me just say that these are the same people who attempted to bully Macaulay Culkin to allege Michael abused him. This saw Mr Culkin close all of his social media accounts several years ago. Shake down part two - and this time Mr Feldman is the victim.

In short; Wade Robson needs his "co-conspirator" to beef up his case and Safechuck's very warped imagination is exactly what his case needs. Unfortunately however; like Robson's case; there are still gaping holes in Safechuck's case. I for one will be sitting back and watching how this plays out. 

Both complainants have decided to use their weapon of choice - the media. Why? Because they want the same treatment Evan Chandler received in 1993. Michael's insurers settled out of court; so Robson and Safechuck are counting on Michael's Estate doing the same. There's one big difference this time however. Michael isn't here - so there is no need to protect their interest for the purpose of keeping him churning out the money. This time; they can tell Robson and Safechuck to take a running jump - which is exactly what they are doing. So now comes the media smear campaign - the Robson/Safechuck weapon of choice. 

Simply put; it's a case of "pay me and I'll shut up," echoing Evan Chandler's words. Yet like Michael maintained in 1993; the truth will come out in court - and will shut up the vultures for good. Michael's Estate are doing exactly what they should have done in 1993; and responding with a simple "see you in court!" This is about to get interesting....

Monday, 19 September 2016


Ladies and gentlemen I want to clear up a few "misconceptions" and false information which has been doing the rounds with regard to the AdLLaw Petition.
This has lead to some fans believe the petition to be a waste of time and not a legal challenge, which this is clearly not the case.

The AdLLaw Initiative's purpose is to make a much needed change in the law; to extend defamation rights to the deceased. This means that the families of those deceased would be given the right to take legal action against those slandering their deceased loved ones. These are the same rights as the living currently have.

In addition; the AdLLaw Petition/Initiative is not just about Michael Jackson. It is about EVERYBODY for the simple reason that defamation can and does affect anybody and everybody. It is not just limited to people in the public eye and certainly not just limited to Michael Jackson. For example; in the case of hate groups like Westboro Baptist Church spreading lies and portraying said lies as fact about dead soldiers - THAT is defamation.

We use Michael Jackson as an example of somebody in the public eye who has been defamed, for the following reasons:

1.) He is arguably the worst victim of defamation and slander. NOBODY in the public eye has suffered worse than he has.

2.) Michael is very much in the news at the moment and will continue to be so during the ensuing Wade Robson/Jimmy Safechuck case. We have indeed seen various articles slandering Michael in the last 6 months and beyond.

3.) Michael Jackson is very well known case of repeated defamation.

The AdLLaw Petition is NOT about getting the MJ Estate to sue Wade Robson for slander - as has been suggested. As the Estate have already explained; they cannot sue Robson because the defamation laws do not currently extend to the deceased - just like they are unable to sue Conrad Murray for his book for the same reason.

While some MJ advocates like myself are determined to report the FACTS of the Robson/Safechuck case; in order to separate fact from media fiction; these acts of advocacy are SEPARATE from the AdLLaw Petition.

You can read more about the initiative at the link below and I encourage all fans to do so, in order to be better informed and to avoid any confusion.

Thank you for your attention regarding this matter.

"All of us are products of our childhood..."

When I started this blog; I made it my oath that I would never shy away from the grittier headlines about Michael Jackson, in order to demonstrate the truth. And in today's entry, I'm going to do just that. I feel it is important for people to understand how completely misunderstood Michael Jackson was and why that lack of understanding has led to many slanderous and downright ignorant articles about him. 

Three months after Michael's untimely death in 2009; various tabloid articles screamed headlines of "Michael Jackson wanted to meet James Bulgers' killers," as if to paint Michael as a "criminal" who had "sympathy" for child murderers. Said articles talked about what Michael had said in an surreptitiously taped private interview; Michael had expressed an interest in meeting with Robert Thompson & Jon Venables in order to heal them of the neglect they had received during their childhoods. At the time of this interview; both Thompson and Venables were serving a custodial sentence until they reached 18; when they were released in 2001 with new identities and on life-long license.

At no point did he condone the killing of James Bulger. In fact; it was he who sent a huge bouquet of flowers to the family of the toddler; and also donated a portion of the proceeds of his "Heal The World" single to the James Bulger Memorial Fund. 

In stark contrast to what the media reported; Michael would see what the world couldn't or indeed did not want to see - that no child is born evil. He wanted to get the point across that while both Thompson & Venables were absolutely responsible for their crime; there are always reasons behind it - and those reasons stemmed back from their childhoods. The world saw the children as "evil personified" yet few dare speak of the childhoods the boys had endured when they were growing up.

Robert Thomson

Robert Thompson was one of 7 children. He came from a broken home after his father left when he was just 5 years old. The departure of his father exacerbated the issues of his already alcoholic mother and at one point, she had even attempted to commit suicide.

Robert's father was violent, frequently behaving in a threatening and intimidating manner towards Robert, and on occasions was actually violent towards the child. Robert's family life was so dysfunctional and chaotic that one child eventually had to be taken into care. When he was eventually returned back to the home; the emotional distress for the child was so great, he attempted suicide.

Jon Venables.

Jon's family life and childhood was also just as dysfunctional and chaotic. His mother, a narcissist, cared more about her love life than she did about raising her children. She too was violent, intimidating and threatening towards Jon. She had suffered various mental health problems and like Robert's mother; had also attempted to commit suicide.

Faced with his mother's threatening and menacing behaviour, Jon would regularly hide under chairs in an attempt to get away from her. The trauma of his family life became so great that he began to self-harm; cutting himself with knives

As Venables and Thompson grew up; they would often skip school, preferring to go shop-lifting. There were acts of cruelty to animals including shooting pigeons with air rifles and tying rabbits to train lines to watch them be run over - a premonition as to what would happen to their eventual human victim.

These violent tendencies are often associated with the effects of trauma, especially in the case of trauma in children. Children who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after being exposed to long-term, physical, emotional and sexual abuse, often develop complex symptoms such as acting out in a violent manner, poor performance at school, avoidance, violent tendencies or aggression, sexually inappropriate behaviour and self-destructive behaviour. This in turn can lead to various other psychological disorders including anti-social personality disorder (psychopathy).

I want to make it clear that I am by no means condoning what Venables and Thompson did. Murder is murder - no matter what age the killers. But like Michael did; I am demonstrating that not everything is black and white. No child suddenly wakes up in a morning and decides "right; today I'm going to kidnap a toddler, take him to a secluded spot, beat him, sexually assault him and then finally kill him."

Michael saw the bigger picture. He saw that these children have also suffered. He saw two children who had suffered terrible lives and were now victims of their own traumatic childhoods. These two children had become highly disturbed individuals as a result of what they had been exposed to when they were growing up. Having suffered in his own childhood; granted not to the extent Venables and Thompson had suffered; Michael empathised with them,

The media reported that Michael was being sympathetic with two child-killers; who were just children themselves. In actual fact; what Michael saw were two children who were psychologically damaged by what had happened to them when they were growing up. He wanted to give them what nobody had ever given them before - love.

This is a demonstration of a man who refused to see the bad in anybody. Call it naivety if you will, and yes it would be fair to argue that Michael was perhaps too trusting. We have all seen how his trust has been abused over and over again in his life.

Yes, Michael saying he wanted to meet Thompson and Venables was a very bold move. And at first glance; many would accuse him of being "crazy." But when you look at the full facts; is it really that crazy? Or is it somebody attempting to reach out to two tortured children to see beyond the global outrage and look at the two victims hidden behind a wall of trauma?

Was Michael wrong for wanting to reach out to these boys to heal their deep psychological wounds? I don't think so. I'd go so far as to say it was very brave and perhaps not as naive as first thought. The naivety is when people take things at face value without looking at the bigger picture. The fact that Michael was able to see beyond the information we were drip fed and see the "person" behind the killers; in my view, makes him indeed very, very unique. And it is only when you understand this side of Michael, can you start to understand Michael as a person.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

The real Michael Jackson the media don't want you to see.

In their hunt for salacious stories about Michael Jackson; the media seldom report the facts about who Michael REALLY was. Preferring to call him a "monster" who "preyed on children"; they rarely talk about the wonderful things Michael did throughout his life, to help children. 

Well here's but a small snap shot of what Michael did to change lives. Do these selfless acts sound like the actions of a "monster" to you?

Bela Farkas; the little boy whom Michael met during a visit to the Bethesda Hospital in Budapest. Bela would have died had Michael not paid for a liver transplant for the youngster.

Years later; Bela is now a healthy young man; having become a father to a daughter, several years ago. 

Michael visits an orphanage in Russia and is appalled by the conditions there. He refuses to put on an upcoming  concert in Russia, unless conditions are immediately improved. He stays there to ensure each and every child at that orphanage is bathed and given new mattresses, clean sheets and toys - which he personally pays for.

Michael launches the Heal The World Foundation to help children and people suffering, around the world. He injects millions of dollars of his own cash into the project. Proceeds from his single "Heal The World" are donated to the foundation. The foundation goes on to finance various projects including scholarships for underprivileged children and even vaccination programs in the poorest countries. 

At a very young age; Michael is moved at the plight of starving and underprivileged children. As a little boy; he gave away candy to the poor children of Gary. Before the single "We Are The World", he saw footage of starving children in Africa, and sobbed as his heart broke at the images of children so weak from hunger; they couldn't even lift their heads. 

Michael risks his own life to save the life of a baby girl. He was absolutely ready to die so that the little girl could live.

Michael sends a huge bouquet of flowers to the family of murdered toddler James Bulger. He donates a portion of the proceeds from his single "Heal The World" to the James Bulger Memorial Trust, to help young people disadvantage as a result of being victims of crime, hatred and bullying.

Michael would regularly go out in disguise to deliver sandwiches and aid to homeless people. Whilst in Las Vegas; he gave out money to the homeless living in the poorest parts of the city.

A fan threatens to throw himself off a building unless he speaks to Michael Jackson. Michael speaks to the fan and coaxes him to come down to safety.

It is a great injustice that these stories are so difficult to find. It is so very easy to find stories of scandals about Michael Jackson; but the stories about real Michael are deeply buried beneath those scandals. This is the Michael the media don't want you to know about. But this is the Michael I will take great pleasure in telling you about - because these are facts. It is also fact that Michael broke records in his humanitarian efforts; donating more than $300 million to charity in his lifetime. And yet Michael is still treated like a criminal. Indeed; the only crime is the fact that Michael's legacy isn't talked about more often.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Take the "Five for Five" challenge and help stop the lies about Michael Jackson!

Good afternoon/evening everybody.
The disgusting article by Linda Stasi of the New York Daily News is a prime example as to why the AdLLaw Initiative MUST be passed as law.
For those who are unaware; Ms Stasi has suggested in her article that Michael Jackson is responsible for the death of his late sister-in-law Dee Dee Jackson - further suggesting he ordered a "hit" on her.
In actual fact; it was Dee Dee's boyfriend Donald Bohana who was responsible - convicted and sentenced to 15 years to life for her death, in 1998.
Obviously, Ms Stasi's "claims" are completely unsubstantiated and is all part of the Wade Robson smear campaign.
What we are seeing right now is exactly what happened in 2003 - 2005. Once again; Michael's reputation is being tarnished by lies and extortion and the media are choosing to report fiction rather than fact in order to sway public opinion.
The truth of the matter is that they WANT Michael to be guilty of crimes against children, because it will keep them in tabloid stories about him for the next 20 years or more. This is turn, will generate them a lot of revenue.
Like in 2005; the media are clearly coming out with whatever ludicrous story they can, without any proof, or indeed any source references, in order sell more tabloid lies about Michael.
And the worst thing about it all is there is NOTHING anybody can do about it...yet.
I know I keep asking, but this is so very important. If the AdLLaw Initiative was passed; it would give Michael's family the power to sue the likes of New York Daily News for their lies. In the last week; we've had numerous tabloids selling stories about Michael - without any foundation; and should the AdLLaw Initiative be passed; that would mean an awful lot of lawsuits heading in the direction of those tabloids.
It is a great tragedy that at present; we only have 3052 signatures. This is nowhere near enough to persuade the US government to take notice and do something. Several thousand signatures won't do it. 20,000 signatures MAY do it, but 1 MILLION signatures absolutely WILL do it.
Michael Jackson has approximately 100 million fans - that could so easily be 100 million signatures. There is no way congress could ignore that! And that would see an end to these slanderous stories against Michael.

I need every single MJ fan in the world to add their name to the petition, via the link below. And this weekend; I'm going to set all the fans a challenge:

I'd like every single MJ fan to nominate 5 of their fellow fans to sign the petition. You don't have to know the fans in question - all you need to do is pass them the petition, ask them to sign and challenge 5 of their fellow fans to sign. This will then create a domino effect of fans signing.
Are you ready to take the challenge? Are you ready to do this for Michael?
Then let's do it!

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Linda Stasi and her claim Michael Jackson "may have been responsible" for Dee Dee Jackson's death...

Dee Dee Jackson.
Another day and another tabloid smear against Michael Jackson...

This time; Linda Stasi writes in the New York Daily News her suspicions that Michael may have had something to do with the murder of of the late Dee Dee Jackson - Tito's former wife and mother to Taj, TJ and Taryll Jackson.

In her slanderous article she states:

"Even more startling, back in 1994, before the paedophilia story broke out, a female member of the Jackson clan, whose name I will not reveal for fear of reprisals, called me and said; 'They're going to kill Delores, Tito's ex-wife." She told me she had thrown Michael out of her house when he tried to get information on a little boy visiting her home. She threatened to expose him. I told the caller that I couldn't write and article speculating that Jackson might put a hit out on a woman when there was no proof of anything.

I regret to this day that I hadn't done it. A month later, Delores Jackson was found dead in a swimming pool at the home of her boyfriend, Donald Bohana. Her death was due to accidental drowning, but a coroner's report called it "assisted drowning" with indications of a blunt force trauma. 

Four years later Bohana, who claimed it had been an accident since Delores didn't know how to swim, was convicted of second-degree murder.

It could have been a horrible accident, yes, and the call could have been a terrible coincidence. Or it could have been murder."

Ok, first Ms Stasi needs to get her facts straight.

According to the court reports of the case; when police questioned him about the events surrounding Ms Jackson's death, Bohana stated that:

 "Jackson arrived at his home about 10:30 p.m. They drank alcohol, talked, listened to music and danced for some time before disrobing and getting into the jacuzzi. They spent somewhere between 20 to 40 minutes in the jacuzzi and then swam to the deep end of appellant's backyard swimming pool. Appellant eventually got out of the water and sat at a table while Jackson continued swimming"

Also according to Bohana:

"After Jackson swam to the deep end of the pool, she touched the pool light and turned to swim back toward the jacuzzi. "

In actual fact; it was her children, close friends and family who said Ms Jackson could not swim, citing that she had a morbid fear of water, and refused to enter the swimming pool or even wade into the ocean. She would very rarely even sit in the jacuzzi. Her children did state that Ms Jackson was going to learn to swim, but that she stood on the stairs of the pool and did not swim.

In addition, Ms Jackson's friend, Brenda Richie testified that they had discussed taking swimming lessons together because she couldn't swim either.

At his trial, Bohana testified that Ms Jackson could swim, explaining that Ms Jackson was swimming under the water when he noticed she was struggling. 

In addition; the injuries she sustained, including a blunt force trauma, bruising, a black eye and and other injuries, were sustained some four hours before her death, during a time when it was undisputed that she was alone with Bohana. It is also worth noting that Bohana claimed Ms Jackson drowned as a result of a seizure or or passed out after drinking too much alcohol - yet her blood alcohol reading was 0.22% - certainly not enough to render an individual unconscious. Forensic tests also suggested she had been in the water for less than 20 minutes.

Does Bohana's version of events sound like somebody who was "framed" as a result of an accident? I think not! Judge for yourself by reading the rest of the case details at the link below:

In the meantime; I think we can safely agree that Ms Stasi's "theory" has more holes in it than a colander and is nothing more than yet another salacious attempt to smear Michael's name, in it's "trial by media" with the ongoing Wade Robson shenanigans! 

Paris Jackson: Bullying is bullying; no matter who the victim is!

Today I want to address an issue which is long overdue. This afternoon; whilst browsing Instagram, I came across a very heart-breaking video from Paris Jackson, in which she talks about the hateful comments and bullying she has received from some followers. I then scrolled down to the comments section, to see even more hateful comments including:

"Paris does not deserve to be happy."
"I hate Paris."
"Fake ass bitch!"
"She doesn't deserve to be Michael's daughter."

Along with those comments were suggestions that she should "kill herself" and that she's a "slut in that photoshoot."

I'm going to make this absolutely clear once and for all...

There is NO EXCUSE for bullying somebody like this - EVER!!! Forget who she is. Forget she's Michael Jackson's daughter. Forget what choices she's made in her life. She's a person - with feelings. No amount of excuses will EVER justify this kind of behaviour towards her.

I am absolutely sick and tired of week after week; some folks have got a problem with whatever Paris says or does. What makes me even more sick to my stomach is the fact that some of these folks, claim to be Michael Jackson fans. Well let me also make this clear...

Anybody who verbally abuses and bullies Paris or any of Michael's children for that matter; is NOT a fan. We do not want these sort of "fans" in our community. You are not welcome. Leave NOW and close the door behind you.

It is a fact that Michael fought so hard to protect his children. When he covered their faces with masks, the world thought it was "odd". But in actual fact, he did it to prevent this from happening. I can say with 100% conviction that he would never have been happy to have his children thrust into the spotlight, so soon after his death. It is very clear that his kids were not ready for that kind of attention - physically or emotionally. Whoever was behind that badly thought out decision did them absolutely no favours, and Michael would be appalled at seeing Paris treated this way. 

Paris Jackson is simply trying to live her life the best way she can. How she chooses to live her life is nobody else's business. She's growing up and establishing herself as an independent young woman. She's not a little girl any more. She can do whatever makes her happy and it is not for you to judge. 
To suggest she "shouldn't post it on social media" is not only a ridiculous statement but also an ignorant one. She has every right to post whatever she likes on social media - just like you do. The only reason people don't like it is because of who she is. But that really is irrelevant. She's still a human being, at the end of the day.

I get utterly fed up with people saying "oh Michael would like Paris doing this. Michael wouldn't like Paris doing that." How do you know what he would and wouldn't like his children to do? Where you part of the family when he was raising them? Were you privy to the private conversations he had with his kids? 

I'll tell you want Michael really wouldn't like. He wouldn't like his kids being judged all the time just like he was. He wouldn't like the fact that hateful comments are being sent to Paris; to the point where it starts to affect her emotional health. He wouldn't like people prying into his kids' private lives; just like folks continue to pry into his. THAT is what he wouldn't like. 

Nobody is ever perfect. As Alexander Pope said; "to err is human." Of course Paris is going to make decisions you don't necessarily agree with. But when she wants your opinion on the matter, she'll ask for it. And of course Paris is going to make mistakes as she grows up and gets on with her life. Didn't you? 

The harassment of Paris needs to stop - NOW. Expressing ones opinion is one thing. But when you venture into insults and "death wish" territory; you've crossed the line into bullying. Simply put; if you have a problem with Paris Jackson being less than perfect; take a long, hard look in the mirror....

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

You have the power to fight for Michael Jackson!

It is all to easy to get despondent in the light of such salacious and damaging tabloid articles about Michael. I encounter many fans who say they feel utterly powerless in attempting to defend Michael from such onslaughts. But the reality of the situation is that you are far more powerful than you think. There are many things you can do in order to fight against the lies and the slander, in order to preserve Michael's legacy.


Sadly; trolls and salacious tabloid articles tend to go hand in hand. You can almost set your watch by them. The moment one paper prints such an article; the rest follow suit and the whole lie spreads throughout the media like an aggressive tumour. Along the way; the haters crawl out of the woodwork to spread their poison and add to the hate the tabloids love to spread. This then creates a domino effect for further scandalous stories as a money spinner to the greedy tabloids. Before you know it; the lie has become all consuming to the point where unless you educate yourself properly; fact is very difficult to separate from fiction.

Under normal circumstances; I would recommend ignoring the haters and 90% of the time that is absolutely true. There are those who simply will not shred their coat of ignorance in order to see the truth. They will swear that the sky is green and even if you show them pictures to demonstrate that it is clearly is blue; they will still continue to claim it is green.

That's not to say however; you shouldn't present your case.

There is a wealth of information out there to prove Michael's innocence. I have taken the liberty of even providing a link to the FBI files on my blog; which is a very good place to start. Yes; there are certain hate sites which completely discount the truth contained in the FBI files; but you cannot argue with hard evidence; no matter how you attempt to twist it. I will make this statement until my head falls off; there is NO EVIDENCE ANYWHERE to prove Michael was guilty - none. It does not exist. The FBI files show a investigations lasting for approximately 16 years - and not one scrap of evidence. So if you do encounter those who "claim" they have evidence to prove otherwise; do as I like to do - challenge them to show it.

I have taken this approach many times. And it almost always ends in two possible ways:

  1. Said hater resorts to the "international language of trolls" - calling you a deluded fan and more; all peppered with four letter words. Quite simply; they don't like to be challenged. They are dogmatic in their "belief" of Michael's guilt and woe betide anybody who dares to challenge it. Once the conversation reaches this stage; that's your signal that short of beating them with a stick; you are NOT going to penetrate their coat of ignorance. It's time to tune out and leave their world of hate.
  2. Suddenly; the conversation stops. You wait for them to provide you with evidence of their claims, while the tumbleweeds roll by. The minutes and hours tick by and still; no response to your challenge. You will be a tad older than God by the time they FINALLY accept your challenge. Why? Because they know as well as you do, that there is NOTHING there to back up their claims. That again; is your signal to tune out of the conversation because it is very quickly going to become one-sided. 
Of course there may well be situations when said hater comes up with "evidence" which is guaranteed to be their twisted take on things. Again; it's their dogmatic approach to cling on to their belief of Michael's guilt, and they will attempt to blind you with tabloid stories and "hearsay" in order to change your mind. Don't fall for this. If you've done your research; you should be fully able to wade through their BS and stick to the facts. And that is the most important thing, especially in the age of social media. 

Present your facts in a calm and professional manner; keeping emotions out of it. NEVER allow yourself to stoop to their level of name calling. Once it goes into that territory; it's time to ignore and forget about them, rather than lose credibility.


Tabloids are very clever at encouraging clicks on their links and there are several British tabloids who will attempt to pander to the loyalty of the fans, in order to gain clicks. The Daily Mail is one - they recently used a positive Michael Jackson story as click-bait for scandalous article. They'll present footage of Michael Jackson dancing, or footage to an interview and insert a cleverly disguised link. Click on that link and BOOM! You're at the scandalous article. Watch out for this - it is becoming more and more popular. Alert people to such "click bait" behaviour by posting a screenshot but NOT the link. 


The ONLY reason why tabloids post these articles is for clicks. And why do they want clicks? Because clicks = $$$! And the more clicks they get, the more money they get, the more articles they can print. EVERY single tabloid site has a coded widget to count clicks and convert into revenue. You can't see the widget because it's hidden in html code - but it's there; ready to record every single click which enters their site. The answer is to starve them of clicks. 

When I alert other fans to new articles; I always take screen shots so they can be informed. But at the same time; I'll warn them not to click. Our money is not to be used to finance more lies about Michael.


Of course right now, we cannot stop such articles from being in circulation. But we can work hard towards putting a stop to them. In their recent article; Radar Online defamed Michael in the worst possible way. Calls were made to the MJ Estate to do something about it. And quite rightly; the Estate replied that their hands are tied - they cannot sue for defamation because it doesn't extend to the deceased. 

The mistake Radar Online DID make however; was including Michael's nephews 3T in such an article - leading to the boys now filing a lawsuit against the tabloid. The situation is simple - the living can take action - the dead can't.

But if the AdLLaw Initiative is passed as law; things will change. It will mean Michael's family and his executors CAN take legal action against the tabloids - and anybody else who chooses to slander Michael, for that matter. This in turn will not only cost said tabloids a very pretty penny (let's be honest - they've made millions off Michael over the years!) but it will send out the message that such behaviour will not be tolerated.

Radar Online are already feeling the bitter sting from the 3T lawsuit against them - in their attempt to bury said article. Unluckily for them; I still have the screenshots. But imagine the sting they'd feel if there were SEVERAL lawsuits against them; for defaming Michael. It is quite possible; with their campaign of hate against Michael; they could see themselves suffering the same fate as the now defunct News Of The World. 

Remember what Michael said? "Burn all tabloids" - or change the law so folks can sue the hell out of them, pushing them into bankruptcy. Hit them where it hurts the most - their pockets.

To get that to that stage; we need the AdLLaw Initiative to be passed. And in order for it to be passed; we need millions of signatures. A few thousand won't make a difference. 10,000 may make a difference. A MILLION will make a difference. And that difference will be finally standing up to the liars and those who defame Michael for money. Won't that be wonderful?

Then what are you waiting for? Visit the petition via the link and add your signature!


Finally and most importantly - stay focused and united. There are some who will attempt to detract away from the task in hand. I have personally seen this first hand over the last few months. No one has managed to achieve their goal of leading me a merry dance. They shouldn't do it with you either. Keep your eyes on the goal and remain determined. Michael's fans are arguably the most passionate, loyal and determined fans on the planet. That's why we were able to sustain him so many times in his life. Let's sustain him again with people power. One man can't win a war. But arm that man with soldiers who share his sense of determination and conviction; and he can change the world! 

Wade Robson & his claim of "negligence"....

So yesterday; a story broke that Wade Robson has added yet another tall tail to his molestation claims against Michael Jackson. He now suggests Michael's employees and in particular; those running MJJ Productions and MJJ ventures "facilitated" Michael's molestation of him. He goes so far as to say they helped Michael to "lure children to Neverland" for the purpose of "grooming and abuse".

As if that's not enough; he also names Michael's former assistant Norma Staikos as a "procurer" of this abuse, calling her a "Madam" - thus suggesting she was the main facilitator in Michael's alleged crimes against children.

Now I see various possibilities here. The first and most obvious one has to do with the Independent Mental Examination Wade Robson was due to undergo. One can only assume the results of this, did not go in Robson's favour, so his lawyers are coming up with any kind of trumped up story to try and make at least something stick. Of course; we won't be made privy to the details of the IME because they are very likely to be sealed - more's the pity. In my opinion; those details should be public - as public as Robson's claims about Michael. 

When you look back to May 2015; you can pretty much see confirmation of Robson's attempt to clutch at straws. Robson attempted to sue the Michael Jackson Estate in probate court for alleged molestation by Michael. The court dismissed the case, citing he had taken too long to file. Even back then, his previous legal team indicated that his claim would be pursued against Michael's business entities. And this is exactly what we are seeing here. Fast forward 2 years and that's given Robson enough time to dream up yet more tall tails in a feeble attempt to strengthen what is already a weak case.

To give you a real insight as to how weak this case is; let's look at the timeline of events and go all the way back to 1993. 

When the Chandler allegations broke; Wade Robson and Brett Barnes were interviewed at length; during which they vehemently denied any molestation by Michael. In 2003; while in a televised interview; he denies he was molested:

In 2005; during Michael's child molestation trial, Robson denies UNDER OATH that any molestation takes place. Yet years later; in March 2013, Robson "suddenly" remembers he in fact WAS molested by Michael - some 8 years after he had last denied such allegations.

Does not compute....

Neither does it compute the fact that he claims to have had "repressed memories" of the alleged abuse. His defence team claim a nervous breakdown in March 2011 and it is then that Wade "suddenly" remembers the abuse. Yet in July 2011; Wade Robson appears on TV to talk about the Cirque Du Solei Michael Jackson shows he assumed he would be a part of. During that interview; he praises Michael.

So if he had all those repressed memories rushing back in March 2011; why is he still praising Michael some four months later?

When questions about the erroneous timing of this are asked; his legal team suddenly change their minds and state that Robson didn't remember the abuse until May 2012. But then that doesn't compute either because there's this in December 2012...

Oops! Bit of a mistake there Robson! But then that doesn't matter because he changes his story AGAIN. This time he goes on the Today show in 2013 and states that it wasn't actually "repressed memories" but that he's always remembered the abuse - just didn't recognise it as abuse...

And then of course there's this back in 2009 - when Robson BEGS to be allowed to attend Michael's memorial at the Staples Centre...

Let's also consider the fact that it was during the 2005 trial; Michael's former made Blanca Francia testified under oath that she had witnessed Michael abusing Wade Robson in the shower - which Robson vehemently denied, stating he'd never even been in the shower with Michael.

Was this "not repressed memory" more of a "repressed idea to extort money"? I think so. The timing of all of this certainly suggests so. And that $64 million dollar question that will refuse to go away WILL be brought up in the eventual civil suit - if Michael abused Robson; why did Robson deny UNDER OATH that any abuse took place? 

The upshot is that Robson is desperate for money. When the allegations broke; he was on the verge of bankruptcy; having put up his house for sale in March 2013 - funnily enough close to the beginning of the AEG trial.... The sale was completed in May 2013 - yes - that fast!  Determined to get his grubby mits on Michael's money by any means possible; is his goal; hence his sudden change in tact. 

I for one foresee interesting times ahead. When Robson is proven to be a liar in court - and he will be; how will he be paying for all the lawsuits which will be heading in his direction? Perhaps he will have to "suddenly remember" being molested by yet another celebrity.....


In an article in People Magazine; Wade Robson claims he "remembered" the abuse when his now 5 and half year old son was born. Not only is this yet ANOTHER change in his story; but this puts his "sudden recollection" back to 2010. Again, we ask why Robson was still praising Michael Jackson in both 2011 and 2012 - as demonstrated in the above clips. How many more times is this fool going to change his story?

Furthermore; which story is it Mr Robson? Did you "suddenly remember" or still "always remembered the abuse but didn't recognise it as abuse"? The latter doesn't hold water either; unless you were deaf, dumb and blind during the 2005 trial; INCLUDING when you took to the stand to deny UNDER OATH that anything happened....